What weekend is complete without a round of blogger backscratching?
I recall browsing FeministX’s blog months ago, but I didn’t find it interesting enough to keep on my RSS reader. Yesterday though, she dropped by and convinced me to take another look, and her writing is much, much better now. Here’s an excerpt from her recent post comparing and contrasting alphas and betas in fiction:
In real life too, I find that intelligent alpha males fall into those two types. The silent alpha male is in my opinion more attractive, but I believe that is just my taste. Obama presents himself like the Draper type of Alpha, while Dubya is in the Stark category. It seems that PUA advice steers men towards the extroverted type of alpha personality. Perhaps this is because those mannerisms are easier to learn.
Welcome to my almighty blogroll (and less mighty reader).
Cless Alvein reports on r/K sex selection and how it affects the sexual marketplace:
In general, however, both genders exhibit an r- and K-selective sex drive. The K-selective drives of men and women are quite similar, as both support the same reproductive goal: success of the family and children. Both genders’ K-drives exhibit delayed onset, emerging as two people develop a relationship. Moreover, while women exhibit slightly stronger K-drives than men, the gender disparity is slight. Finally, K-selective attraction is holistic, driven by attraction to the person as a whole, rather than to a set of attributes. By contrast, the r-drive is usually immediate in its onset, is traditionally much stronger in men than in women, and driven by superficial traits– in men, the woman’s physical appearance; in women, the man’s projection of social status and dominance.
The current world is ruled by women’s r-selective sex drive. Game is an adaptation to this reality.
Dave from Hawaii analyzes a conservative women’s group and identifies the problems with their ideology:
The most glaring point for me is the assumption these “enlightened” women advocate – while they oppose the liberal/libertine excesses of modern feminism, that they reject promiscuity as empowering, that they oppose the inculcation of victimology in women, that they encourage their members to revel in femininity and modesty (all of these are good things), they still accept the basic premise that is the foundation for promoting the feminist movement: that women are morally superior creatures to men, that men were oppressive, and that the initial feminist movement was just and necessary because women were in-equal and oppressed in the past.
The rot runs deep, even in supposedly “conservative” strains of thought.
Roissy attempts to discern whether fat or aging has a greater effect on womens’ looks:
We begin the experiment. There are 3500 calories in a pound of body fat, and 200 calories in a Krispy Kreme original glazed donut. Girl A goes on a donut bender and eats 1.05 Krispy Kreme donuts per week per year. 1.05 Krispy Kreme donuts per week doesn’t sound like much, does it ladies? Keep reading. She does not substitute smaller portions in her other meals or increased physical activity to counterbalance the extra calories from the donuts. At this rate of donut consumption, Girl A adds 5 pounds of unsightly fat to her frame every year. Keep in mind, too, that Girl A is aging as well as getting larger.
Obesity: the most misunderstood tragedy of our time.
Master Dogen tells us why David Letterman is a true alpha:
Notice the fine touches. He pokes a little fun at himself, but in just the right way. He makes fun of his midwestern Lutheran, guilt-based upbringing, which is exactly the sort of thing to remind people of when you are being portrayed as a sleazy New York womanizer. He jokes that no one could imagine that he had sex, but of course this is after he’s already established that he has… in fact so much sex that people are trying to blackmail him about it. He’s being charming and self-deprecating, but never once denying that, yes, he’s an alpha male that fucks his cute emloyees.
Potential philanderers ought to study this man.
Martin Regnen comments on a another head-smackingly obvious truth confirmed by science:
The Herald Sun writer thinks all this means that “women drink alcohol before having sex because they lack confidence in their bodies”. I guess that’s why the really hot women who have plenty of confidence and massive egos from dozens of men hitting on them every day never drink. If only uglier women had more confidence then they’d also stop drinking, just like the real hotties. Oh, wait… yeah, that’s obviously bullshit. Women drink before sex for pretty much the same reason most people drink in all kinds of situations – to lower their inhibitions and enjoy life more. Many women are just plain better in bed when they’re slightly drunk, and men might be too. That’s probably why many older married guys drink a glass of cognac or wine every evening.
Alcohol is the lubricant that greases the cogs of male-female relations.
Aoefe offers up her definition of the alpha male:
What alpha doesn’t describe is character*. Character and alphaness are separate entities. Character whether good, bad or indifferent will be present in alpha, beta and omega males. Alpha does not preclude having good character. Period. Some of you believe a good man and an alpha can’t be synonymous and I call bullcrap on that. I say alpha men are powerful, impressive and leaders yet can also be of good character. Men like this often have a strong moral code and a value system they aren’t willing to break emfor the P word. Sometimes it’s religious values that puts the breaks on P access and although they would enjoy the fruits of some 20 year old’s loins they won’t ‘pick it’ because of the sin involved. Others are simply honest; they took their commitments seriously and have honoured them. Perhaps some have been honest with their spouses and have had dalliances with their significant other’s understanding and full knowledge. (That’s a topic for another day)
Sheesh, there’s a lot of alpha talk in this plug post.
Roosh breaks game down into two qualities:
If you are interesting and cool then you’re a man who has a quality woman or fucks a lot of girls. If you’re only interesting than you’re the stereotypical shlub who lands a homely Peace Corp girl with that go-getter attitude (”Must get a graduate degree before we have Connor!”). If you’re only cool then you’ll get trashy skanks or club rats (not necessarily a bad thing).
The fundamentals of game, right there.
Alkibiades relates a disturbing tale of family dysfunction:
By the time George surpassed his father in size and muscle, he decided to go toe to toe with his father in a battle that would have make the UFC proud. After that, George’s father never laid a hand on him again, but I can’t say the same for George’s sister. At about this time George found alcohol and women and dove in head first. As you might suspect, George was a mean drunk and could get quite violent in the depths of his own binge drinking. Alcohol was to be George’s only friend and constant companion. The women were drawn to George and the rage that always was just beneath the surface ready to erupt.
Reminds me of some folks I know.
Assanova asserts that the American Dream is responsible for the betatization of American men:
Why are they so masculine? Because they were not denied their rights of passage from boyhood into becoming a man. WHAT. IS. A. MAN? Testosterone. Survival. Fighting for physical superiority. The American dream suppresses all of this. No more wars. No more crazy stunts. And if little Billy gets as much as a single scratch on him or throws one single punch in defense of his masculinity, the entire household shuts down and anyone who may have been involved in placing little Billy in a position to express his masculinity is severely scolded and reprimanded.
Manhood is struggle. The two are inseparable.
Richard Hoste interviews John Derbyshire at his blog:
I myself don’t actually write much about race and HBD topics. I am engaged (for a couple of years now!) in porting over all my web archives from the horrid old FrontPage format to something crisper and more manageable. I have written VB (Visual Basic-computer science terminology-RH) routines to do the grunt work, but they don’t catch everything, and each piece needs to be hand-polished. So I am reading my way through my entire output since the 1990s. Very little of it even touches on these topics. Yes, I am a race-realist. It’s not a big part of what I want to write about, though.
It’s a damn good read.
The Editrix takes down the clowns using Roman Polanski’s arrest to attack the supposed degeneracy of Old Europe:
Talking about feminism and back to the children’s beauty pageants: I wonder what those pimpettes mothers who groom their little daughters for such contests have to say about “women’s rights” and the “sexual liberation” of women. I remain adamant that no sane, red-blooded father wants his little girl to pose like that and that they would forbid it, had they only the balls. So I boldly claim that those female corruptors of their own children have very probably the upper hand in the family already, if they aren’t “single mothers” to begin with. But then, I may be wrong here. After all, I was born and bred in evil, sick, degenerate Old Europe and although OUR fathers may be like that, what do I know about the joys of the non-degenerate life of American families.
Both conservatives and liberals mythologize America as a land of puritanism and morality, the only difference being that the former celebrate it and the latter deplore it. They’re all wrong, wrong, wrong. America is the most morally degenerate nation in the world, far less moral than any nation of Europe. The country that spawned the sexual revolution and all of its aftereffects has no fucking right to declare itself moral. Thank you, Editrix, for putting these idiots in their place.
Agnostic posts on the amusing ways in which girls compete:
I’ve seen girls get nastily competitive face-to-face before — seeing who can flip their hair the hardest, or who can give the most pitying look at what the other is wearing. And I’ve seen girls both ratchet up their cuteness when they’re actively flirting with the same guy, or sense that they’re being watched by a large audience. But this time the guy wasn’t even there, just as the girl who the gym rats are trying to impress isn’t there judging their performance. It was the first time I’d seen a purely hypothetical cuteness contest — just to see who would win.
Always remember that the female of the species is as equally animalistic as the male.
Emach returns from hiatus to lambast Generation Y:
I can’t tell you how many of my peers are completely incapable of functioning in the real world because they are operating under a belief in rules that their parents invented, their teachers enforced, and their world ignores, breaks, and mocks at every turn because they are totally contrary to human nature. How can we possibly be expected to fix the world’s problems left in the wake of our inept parents when we are probably even worse equipped to deal with them than they ever were?
As a GenYer myself, I can vouch for the truth of everything he says.
Robert Stacy McCain, the Hunter S. Thompson of conservative blogging, advises women on how to go about getting a husband:
Still, if it is a husband that a woman is seeking, rather than just another in an endless series of going-nowhere “relationships,” her negotiating posture in the marriage market is greatly enhanced if she avoids giving up the nookie – humping, screwing, fornicating, making the beast with two backs, call it what you will — until she can entrap her prey and drag him to the altar.
I can safely declare that McCain is a Social Conservative Who Gets It. For more goodness, check out his Takimag archive.
Finally, Tucker Max pens a response to the slag who wrote about getting shagged by him, and displays his alpha credentials:
I don’t have any beef with her description of me in bed. I would prefer the phrasing “dominant and aggressive,” but whatever; you call me a jackhammer, the difference is semantics. The thing that pissed me off is that she said she faked an orgasm to get me to stop. I mean — honey, really? Did you think I was paying the LEAST bit of attention to you or your “orgasm?” You know why I stopped? Because I came. That’s always when I stop. I couldn’t tell your orgasm from pixie dust, and neither would make me stop if I wasn’t done, that’s for sure.
Caring about whether the slut you picked up after an hour of banter and drinking has an orgasm = beta.
As a bonus, here’s a comment from that thread that is a must read:
Do you know how comical this is? Consider the incredible hypocrisy in all of this. Take note of the countless women (and severely jealous “men”) who berate Tucker Max for being Tucker Max, who slam him on the Internet, who say this and that about him… yet all and all, there is a never-ending supply of women who simply line up to sleep with him. Nowadays, not only does Tucker NOT have to even remotely “work” to court or pick these women up, he actually treats them like garbage and they STILL line up to sleep with him; Courtney’s story is solid evidence of this; yet another tale of a pattern that repeats itself over and over again in man/ women interactions.
Blogger comment: “Guys like this are what make women dislike males in general.”
Oh Please. If that were really true, if women truly felt that way, then guys like Tucker would never get laid at all, let alone have women come out of the woodwork (and get treated like sh*t) to sleep with him. Are you that naive? Do you really think the proverbial “nice guy” has women lined up like Tucker has? Really?
In reality, the blog bashing and negative comments display the feminine (beta) mind at work… Common wisdom dictates that guys that treat women like Tucker does are bad and would never enjoy the forbidden fruit of women given such an offensive and abrasive approach. Alas, the female creature is one not of logic but of emotion… Many of these exact same women who bash Tucker (or men like him), who agree that “Guys like this “are bad and should be avoided, are the exact same women who are lining up in droves to sleep with him/ them. Emotionally, women simply cannot avoid their attraction to this “Bad Boy” persona, regardless of the logic involved. No matter what your female logic says, women are attracted to that type of personality. The proof is in the pudding.
Instead of downing Tucker for being himself, why not blame the fuel to this whole fire? Where is the outcry on the droves and droves of your peers who are agreeing with you and then jumping into bed with the “Tuckers” out there? Where are female huntresses searching for their “nice guy” to rip the cloths off of?
Lets come back down to earth ladies…
You’ve gotta love it when reality shits all over morons and their lies.