Saturday, October 31, 2009

Addicted to facebook games…

Well, the title says it all. Getting up so early every day is a curse, because it gives me that quiet time to relax and start my day – of games! I must say, however, that I’m so much better than I used to be. Seriously.

At some point, between Myspace and facebook, I have played:

New Mafia
Prison Lockdown
Street Racing
Mafia Wars
Fashion Wars
Yoville – BOTH MS and FB!!
Farm Town
Some roller coaster game
Some café thing
Enchanted Island – my newest “problem” – thanks Sarah!

The reason I quit most of them was because my levels got too high to be fun anymore… boring! You start making too much money and can afford all of the properties and perks you would ever need. Then, the makers started offering “special” weapons, clothes, whatever that you could actually purchase with real money… no thanks!

Yoville has remained the constant through all the time. I have actually spent real US dollars on the game. It interested me more than Sims and the like, so rather than purchasing those games and tossing them aside, I purchased houses in Yoville. They will remain on the ‘net potentially forever. At this point I have 5 apartments with all available level rooms (higher levels add rooms to the pad), 2 huge modern houses, 1 mafia mansion, and something else… I’m drawing a blank right now.

I reached “Green Wizard”, level 34, on Farm Town just a bit ago. That’s what prompted this little confession. I was just so thrilled to purchase the Mansion… and to have the 1,000,000 coins to own it.

I’m pretty sure that I’ve figured out all of the tricks to the games, all of the illusions to create visual interest, etc.

Well, time to go – have to harvest some stuff at FT & FV, cast a spell at EI, and get the cookies out of the oven on YV…. It’s bad, I know.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Fitness Dash: Get your DASH game in peak condition!

Fitness Dash (20 MB download)
After DinerTown loses in a staggering tug-of-war defeat to the Meatropolis Mashers, Jo the Jogger warns her team mates to keep fit. Seems the residents of DinerTown are just a little too devoted to their expertly-served burgers and shakes, though. Encouraged by Flo, Jo opens a series of gyms and vows to get DinerTown into shape for the next competition. You’ll help Jo lead DinerTown to a tug-of-war victory at the Mount Olympus Gym!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Les Geeks, la BD qui geek à fond!

Bonjour à tous les geeks (c’est le cas de le dire!), j’espère que vous allez tous bien depuis le temps que le site est resté en standby…

Mais, nous ne sommes pas là pour discuter du site!

Le moment est venu de vous faire partager mes avis sur ma BD du moment: ben… Les Geeks! ^^

Tout d’abord, je vais vous raconter comment j’ai connu cette série, ce ne sera pas long, promis!

Un jour, je me baladais chez BD-World à Loverval (Belgique) pour acheter des mangas quand tout à coup mon regard se figeat (du verbe figer!) vers un livre, ou plus juste, une BD proposant un titre Googleyiens! (kesako!? xD) Google sort des BDs maintenant? -_-’

Eh bien non! C’est là que je vois que la BD s’appelle “Les Geeks” mais avec le design du logo de Google… Ce qui est bien trouvé car ça attire, la preuve!

En bon geek, je me dirige vers le livre en question pour le  feuilleter et déjà, le titre fait parler: “Un clavier AZERTY en vaut deux”. Excellent! ^^

Les doubles pages d’entrée était un “Space Invaders”, en tant que vieux gamer de la vieille, j’apprécie! Je lis la première planche nommée à juste titre “Time Freeze” et là, c’est le coup de foudre!

C’est comme si les auteurs, Gang, avaient espionné ma vie style “The Truman Show”!!!

Bon, c’en est assez, je le prend… C’est à ce moment là que je découvre que  je lisais le modèle d’exposition et qu’en fait, le tome 1 était vendu avec le second: “Dans le doute, reboote”!!! Génial comme offre de lancement et ça va me faire de la lecture! Bref, passage à la caisse, on remonte dans la tuture et vite à la maison pour lire ces deux petits bijoux…

Il ne m’a pas fallu longtemps pour tout finir d’une traite, j’ai tellement aimé les persos et l’ensemble de la série. J’aime beaucoup les références aux jeux, films, mangas/comics, etc… connus (déjà dans les double-pages d’intro où l’on retrouve Mario, Pac-Man, Tetris, …)! La BD n’est pas plus courte qu’une autre, mais on est tellement dedans qu’on à l’impression de la terminer à vitesse grand “V”!

A partir du tome 2, on retrouve les “cartes d’identités” de chaque protagoniste et c’est folklorique! Entre le geek touche-à-tout, fan de jeux (Fred), sa copine (Julie) malade du Wii Fitness et se battant toujours avec ce dernier pour le calmer dans sa geekerie en passant par le copain squatteur (Vince), fan de mangas et de MMORPG… Il y a de quoi faire car le reste de la bande n’est pas plus mal! Charline, la goth qui ne jure que par Apple (comme moi tiens! xD), Hubert, l’intello qui ne vit quasi que pour sa môman, qui bichonne son cocker et lit des revues scientifiques que même mon ancien prof de science n’y pigerait rien et pour finir, le rafiné Charles-Benoît qui tiens une librairie de comics et rolliste à ses heures!

Ce que tout ça est réaliste! ) On se retrouve un peu dans chaque personnage… Enfin… moi du moins… oui… sauf pour le cocker!

Je vous parlais de références. En effet, déjà en voyant le bureau de Fred, on peut voir des tas de trucs: un Nabaztag, des figurines de Toro (SCEI), Link (Zelda), Goldorak, mon voisin Totoro, tout ce qui est iPhone, iPod… chez Charles c’est plutôt un R2D2 taille réel (neeeed!), poster de SpiderMan, le bouclier de Captain America ou encore le buste à tronche de Wolverine ou T-Shirt Batman et pas mal d’autres choses du style!

On sent bien que les auteurs sont très bien informés niveau geekeries… Peut-être le sont-ils d’ailleurs… (moi je dis “oui”!) ^^

Questions dessins (Thomas Labourot et Christian Lerolle) maintenant: très soignés, coloration nickel, ni trop flash, ni trop pâle. Les personnages sont bien trouvés, leur design colle parfaitement à leur personnalité. Donc, de l’excellent boulot…

Bref, nickel! Et le scénario est différent à chaque planche donc, assez changeant… Tout y est!

Je ne vais pas spoiler, mais je peux vous dire que les tomes 3 et 4 sont tout aussi excellents et ne sont pas réchauffés des premiers, il y a toujours une nouvelle situation… contrairement à beaucoup de BD qui repompent sur leurs premiers gags en changeant quelques détails.

Et là, vous me dites: “Eh quoi Manu, ne me dis pas qu’il n’y a pas de défaut!?”… Bon ça y est? … Vous le dites?

Bon, et bien si, il y a un défaut et pas des moindres: moi aussi je veux une voiture avec peinture Mario Kaaaaaaaaart comme Fred et Julie!!! :’(

Plus sérieusement, le seul défaut de cette BD, c’est que tellement on l’aime, on a un goût de trop peu et on est super impatient de voir arriver le prochain tome… comme pour un jeu vidéo!

Alors on fait quoi?

Eh bien, on les harcèle suis à la trace sur leur site: ou sur leur Twitter: @lesgeeks

Sachez que Les Geeks sont dispos également en eBook pour votre iPhone ou iPod Touch sur l’Appstore à des prix plutôt intéressants.

Infos sur la BD et les auteurs -> ICI

Les Geeks (Gang/Labourot/Lerolle) paru aux éditions Soleil

Et un grand merci encore à Pen de l’équipe des “Geeks” pour le tome 4…

Et pour vous mettre l’eau à la bouche, voici ce qu’était la bande annonce du troisième tome.


@ très bientôt sur Otageek pour un article sur IG mag, le magazine de jeux vidéo du moment…



Nice Guys

Sometimes I am amazed that I can learn some things so quickly, and yet others take me forever to pick up. Teach me a new system at work and I have it right away. But there are some things that I haven’t fully learned despite some 15 years of pop quizzes. I still struggle with the whole Nice Guy mentality.

So a history of sorts… 7-8 grade there was this girl Brandy who was quite the looker. On top of that she was one of the good girls. Being the nice guy and having been told that you should be friends first, that is what I did. And we had a lot in common. I was trying to convert from friend to boyfriend when in walk my friend Johnny. Johnny was a female Alpha (read loser) who was truly a troublemaker and on the wrong side of the line dividing society and sociopaths. Well, guess who she went for? Same timeframe, another girl that I liked did the same thing, tho with a different guy.

Age 17, dated a wonderful girl whom I am still friends with today. She was constantly torn between me and two bad boys, one to a lesser extent. I think I lost out on that one due to the sin of being too nice.

Age 18-19. Marissa, good looking girl that I had known for several years. Always close to converting it but always being too respectful of her (possibly read fearful of rejection?) and never did. She would go from guy to guy, she would have me meet them to get my opinion on them. I would give my opinion on them and she promptly dated them anyways. A few weeks or months later she would come crying to me that I was right and she should have listened, which of course she never did. I stopped caring about converting when I came to the realization that anyone who would continuously go against sane advice to be with bad boys was not worth it.

Age 20-26 or so I lived at the church. Very large church where due to my service everyone of any import knew me, and thats saying something in a multi-thousand member church. But living out a life of service didn’t help me either. I was the nice guy and continually saw the girls go instead to the various jackasses and losers. In fairness, not all of them did so. Some of them chose wisely and I don’t begrudge that. There are men that I can look at and state objectively that they are better men than I and losing out to one is no big deal. May the best man win and all that. Now you might think that 6 straight years of observation would be enough to cure me of NiceGuyitis. You’d think. Me? Ha! I am a slow learner in such things. This lasted thru marriage but I am going to purposely avoid the marriage years here as thats a whole ‘nother rant!

Now the above is not unique to me by any stretch of the imagination. We are plagued with Nice Guys in our society, all of them (us) suffering from the same lack of ability to make and maintain a meaningful connection with a woman. How to get past being Mr Nice Guy and create and maintain meaningful relationships with women is what I am looking to explore. Game gives some of those answers as well as others that will lead to the inability to have a meaningful connection, specifically the constant using of women as PUAs do. As mentioned by Arielle, the Bible has plenty of examples to look to. It is also worth noting that most of those men were polygamous and since niceguyitis doesn’t work with a single woman it surely would not have worked with multiple!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Casti "3D" pentru Gaming

Concentrate pe partea de gaming, dar oferind rezultate foarte bune şi pentru muzică şi filme, noile căşti HS 04U de la Genius folosesc funcţia 3D Dolby pentru o experienţă audio fantastică. Jocurile vor căpăta un simţ mai accentuat al realului prin opţiuni precum reglarea mărimii camerei virtuale sau reverberaţiile care imprimă acustica unui amfiteatru, în timp ce microfonul dotat cu noise-canceling asigură succesul misiunilor de gaming în reţea.
Un mare plus al acestor căşti este confortul oferit chiar şi după mai multe ore de ascultat muzică la un volum ridicat, ceea ce este în avantajul gamingului intensiv mai ales că intensitatea sunetului nu este deloc de neglijat. Pentru muzică şi filme, tehnologia Dolby garantează claritate, un atribut de apreciat şi pentru funcţia karaoke a HS 04U.
Designul inovativ alături de utilizarea facilă prin controlul volumului şi al microfonului sunt două motive în plus pentru care HS 04U sunt o alegere perfectă pentru gameri.
Căştile HS 04U sunt disponibile în România prin partenerii Genius la un preţ de referinţă de 169.9 lei.
• Funcţie Virtual Dolby pentru experienţă 3D
• Design inovativ
• Confortabil pentru utilizare îndelungată
• Microfon cu opţiune noise-canceling
• Funcţie karaoke


What I Want From A MMORPG

I was looking for a new MMORPG to play recently and I realized something terrible.

All the good ones either wanted you to pay a monthly fee or to dish out a lot of money in order to function even a little.

Now, I’m willing to pay money for a MMORPG. But a monthly fee to have access to the game, or money to make my character have a different hue hair color? No thank you.

So, here’s what I’m looking for in an MMORPG:

It’s Free. No dishing out money monthly to pay or download it, no one time fee. By all means, have extras like special pets, special steeds, or interesting clothing. But fighting well in the game should rely purely on stats from the character, armor, steeds, and pets.

Customization should be expansive. If I want to make a fat blue-skinned elf, I should be able to. If I want to give my character pink hair, I should be able to. Take a hint from Perfect World on this one. Customization is a wonderful and good thing. It allows the player to get into character.

Great graphics are demanded. I don’t care if this is a 2D MMORPG or a 3D MMORPG, I want good graphics. I don’t want to stare at poorly modeled figures. I either want to stare at something cartoony (Fiesta Online, Mabinogi, MapleStory, WonderKing) or something realistic (Perfect World).

Multiple races to keep up variety. By all means, make the only choices Human, Elf, and Troll. I’d be fine with that. But I want various races. I should be able to customize my character, my toon, as much as I feel I want to. If I want to be a troll cleric, human archer, or elf fighter, those should be choices available to me.

Character stats should adhere to a specific system. What I mean by this is that Humans, Elves, and Trolls should all have a different range of base stats (trolls having 7 – 10 strength, humans having 5 – 7 strength, elves having 3 – 5 strength, so on and so forth). However, you should be given X number of “free stats” to distribute as you please BEFORE you get into the game. Once in the game, at every level you should be able to decide where to put extra “free stats”. These stats should help decide your physical attack, magical attack, physical defense, magical defense, attack speed, character speed on land, character speed in water, character speed in flight, character speed in climbing, and character speed in performing material-making tasks.

Monsters around your level shouldn’t take more than 30 seconds to kill. Everyone wants to reach a high level and get a sense of accomplishment. If you think I’m going to grind for what feels like an infinity to gain a single level before I even get my first advancement, you have another thing coming (a problem with Flyff that I had, but oddly, not Fiesta Online!).

Land, Sea, and Sky. On land, you should be able to run, climb, and jump. In the water, you should be able to swim. In the air, you should be able to ascend, descend, or keep level. A good MMORPG will cover all of these.

An interesting, tiered class system. In my opinion, all MMORPGs should include at least Mages, Fighters, Archers, and Clerics, or a variant thereof. I am still searching for an MMORPG that incorporates all four of these in a way that is unique and different, such as maybe starting out as a mage and then being able to decide between cleric and druid.

A varied production skill class. Everyone should have the ability to choose a production skill which they can use to make either potions, armor, weapons, or materials. Limiting one production skill per player creates an environment where people can socialize and make friendships in order to advance.

Pets are great! Everyone should have the ability to get a pet in game without spending real money. If there is a druid class or a nature-based class, they should have the ability to create or summon a pet to their side free of cost aside perhaps mana. Pets should have three life stages, baby, adolescent, and adult. The food you feed your pet should affect the way your pet looks. Pets should be able to gain experience and level, and they should be able to attack mobs. Cooler looking pets (I mean, who doesn’t want a sphinx for a pet!?) should cost real money.

Want to be speedy? Get a steed. I don’t care what other games do, but like pets, steeds should be available to people without a credit card. Make them insanely priced for faster speeds with in-game currency. Make cooler, even faster steeds cost real money. I don’t know about you, but I’d pay money to ride around on a tiger or a pegasus!

Multiple venues for experience. Word counters should be included within a game so that people who are social and prefer to hold conversations can gain experience from doing so. If not that, there should be something in place so that if you talk to your friends on your friends list that are online at the same time as you, if they’ve been online for longer than five minutes, you get an experience boost. Also allow there to be experience gained from using production skills, as time is both money and experience wasted in most all games. Also, allow there to be an experience boost for those who have traveled multiple maps in 24 hours. That way, everyone can be catered to.

Built in video systems. Needing Fraps or similar software in order to catch hackers in the act of hacking is no good. Also, being able to video your experiences in the game and post them on the net creates more of a community and advertises for the game at the same time.

Report Systems! There needs to be a great report system in any worthwhile MMORPG. I don’t want to spend an hour screaming at my computer because some jerk is KSing (that’s KillStealing) me and I can’t do anything about it. While KSing may or may not be against your game’s rules (it should certainly be discouraged), you should be able to right click the person you need to and hit the report button to report them.

Effective Anti-Hacking software. Everyone is tired of seeing hackers unless they themselves are hackers. In conjunction with a good reporting system, there should be effective anti-hacking software to keep the hackers out in the first place. The game being server-sided would help to discourage hacking.

And finally…

A compelling story. This is something many games lack. Fiesta Online actually has a very interesting story, it’s a shame that it’s overrun with bots and that it costs money to customize yourself. You should have a compelling story in order to hook people into the game. Make me want to play the game. Make me want to do quests. I have yet to see a game aside from Dream Of Mirror Online that has roleplay to it, that has a great story to it.


If you’re making a MMORPG or are thinking of doing so, take what I’ve said into account, please, in order to assure your success with at least one customer. I’ll see you all in game!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Kelly Green: Cultivate a buzzing organic nursery!

Kelly Green (66 MB download)
City gal Kelly has abandoned the concrete jungle for a budding organic nursery in Kelly Green Garden Queen. Play as Kelly while her hippie brother and other quirky relatives pitch in to help in the garden. Arrange floral bouquets with your own creative flair, calm impatient customers with lemonade, or wow the local farmer with an array of 20 different plants. Do you have what it takes to expand the nursery from a few pots to a large and thriving oasis?

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Planet Cazmo Lloyd Tracker


Hey its AC today I bring you a real working Lloyd Tracker! I found Lloyd within thirty seconds of logging in by using this tracker! This tracker is super accurate and almost always correct. Be sure to hit F5 every so often to refresh it! You may put this widget on your own site If you’d like but please include a link to my site somewhere (Blogroll etc.) YOU MAY ONLY USE THE WIDGET NOT THE ENTIRE POST! Make sure you check back here for the location!



If you are having trouble putting the HTML code onto your site just copy and paste the actual widget! Or ask me.

Tracker Status: Offline (click here to refresh)

Last seen on server: BeatStreet (click here to refresh)

Last seen in room: Straw Hut (click here to refresh)


1) Lloyd usually will stay in one spot for 5-10 minutes at a time.

2) Lloyd is most commonly found in the Beach Area

3) Lloyd is most commonly on Beatstreet and sometimes Funkitron

4) Lloyd gives you a Green Alien Suit

5) Starting Search Parties makes Lloyd Tracker even more accurate!

6) Lloyd is a Green Alien with a Gray Hoodie (See Picture or Tracker)

7) If you do find Lloyd click on him to receive the item

8 ) The room Lloyd is in is usually very crowded

9) Lloyd’s Appearance on Cazmo is totally random

10) Lloyd may be on multiple servers at once

11) Check the comments for updates on the location of Lloyd (Please post a comment if you find him!)

12) Chat with other cazmos on my XAT chat for help with finding Lloyd (see chatbox below)

13) Check my twitter for updates on Lloyd’s location ( so make sure you are following me!

If you have anymore questions or problems or if you have your own tips for finding Lloyd please comment here!




Campfire Legends - The Hookman: Escape the Hookman - if you can!

Campfire Legends – The Hookman (131 MB download)
Uncover the story-behind-the-story from one of the scariest tales ever in Campfire Legends – The Hookman, a hidden object adventure of darkness, shadows and frights! Walk in Christine’s footsteps as her plans for a romantic getaway turn into a frightful night of finding lost items, discovering mysterious clues, and escaping alive. Only with nerves of steel and a clear mind can you find life-saving objects and solve challenging puzzles. Can you escape The Hookman?

Thursday, October 22, 2009

In Zombie Bowl O Rama game - The Zombies have taken over your favorite bowling lanes

The Zombies have taken over your favorite bowling lanes, and it’s up to you to send ‘em back to the graveyard where they belong! Select a colorful character and your favorite ball to take on the attacking Zombies…with a few tricks and treats. Give a whole new meaning to Zombie strike when you set ‘em up and take ‘em down with cool power ups and tricky obstacles. Bowl or Beware, Zombies!
Bowl or Beware, Zombies in Zombie Bowl O Rama game!

Zombie Bowl O Rama game screenshots

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Florida Panthers' Game

Last Friday night, October 17, when the Florida Panthers played the Philladelphia Flyers and defeated them 4-2 in Sunrise, Florida, I managed to get four tickets for my friends and I. Not only were they free tickets, they were for the third row from the ice. We were able to see up front and in person the first goal for the Florida Panthers by Stephan Weiss to tie the score with the Flyers 1-1, along with the fight won by Bryan Allen of the Panthers. Here are some pictures of the night:

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Top game in Linux.

We’ve known that most of games run on windows, so for the gamers who’ve just moved to Linux, don’t worry, Linux provide you a lot of free games.
‘Free Games’ doesn’t mean they are poor in Performance

Linux games are quite good too. Okaayy.. The recommended game for today is
‘Atomic Tanks’
Atomic tanks is a battle between tanks that are equiped with huge Weapon.

1. install Atomic Tanks
Type in terminal

sudo aptitude install atanks

2. Run Atomic Tanks

Type in terminal

Starting Atomic Tanks

In atanks, you can choose your enemies by marking the names

and Buy your own weapon. In this game, the weapons are so vary. You can buy medium missile that more explosive than your current missile, Tectonic Shift that can change earth surface, even you can buy Nuke or
Death Head that have huge destruction force.

Buy Weapon

After all the preparation, Press ‘done’ and start battling your enemy’s tank.

Have fun

Have fun!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Cake Mania Main Street: Help Jill revitalize her hometown by managing 4 unique shops!

Cake Mania Main Street (83 MB download)
Help Jill and her closest friends earn enough money to revitalize Main Street by managing and upgrading four unique downtown shops and building must-see tourist attractions, like the World’s Largest Cake, in this highly-anticipated sequel. With all-new shop mechanics, 50 shop equipment upgrades, 40 unique mouth-watering recipes, and hilarious new customers, Cake Mania Main Street offers players four truly addictive time management games in one!

Friday, October 16, 2009

FutureLand Is Almost Here!

If your child loves MarineLand, just wait till they see our latest world in development – FutureLand! The adventures are more exciting, the learning material-more difficult, and the creative activities are more fun than ever – making FutureLand perfect for your 8-10 year old explorers.

FutureLand is currently in testing, but we were able to get a sneak peek of the futuristic games our development team has been working on…

The adventure begins in the secret underwater Sea Lab. Players will find all the portals needed to explore FutureLand in this high-tech underwater oasis.

The Sea Lab

From the Sea Lab, kids will be able to travel through time to the Industrial Era and Ancient Era, both filled with high-speed challenges, pesky Gord enemies, bumbling henchmen, and more!

Industrial World

Ancient World

Or, they can visit the learning game portal with all sorts of brain-bending challenges. From science to math to history, these young time travelers will put their knowledge to the test, then risk their coins as they “let it ride” or “bank” them before they lock in their answers!

Learning Challenges

Stay tuned for updates about FutureLand here!

Tell the world about the Future(Land)!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Am I Asking Too Much?

I like wouldn’t say I like good grammar, I appreciate that there are many different ways of saying things, slang adds a lot to a culture. However, I really like correct spelling and punctuation, as you may have noticed from reading this blog. Particularly when I’m doing things online I’ve seen a much higher standard for things being said the right way than most people. I know that most of the time you can figure out what someone is trying to say no matter how bad their spelling is, but it just makes things messy. One such time where someone disagreed came along today while I was playing Tremulous. I’m Shraptnel (no, that is not hypocritical, proper names can be spelled however you want).

In short, they deserted after I criticized their spelling.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Game On

It’s amazing how books and essays can change our long held perceptions about life, and in some cases, teaching strategies. That’s exactly what Gee’s chapter two of What Video Games Have To Teach Us About Learning And Literacy has done for me: modified my close-minded perceptions of how to teach today’s youth.

            If I had a nickel for every time my mother said to me, “Jessica, put away your video games and do your homework!” I’d have…um…no money at all. I was never a student who ran to the video game console after school instead of doing my homework. I would be in my room working diligently on math, science, reading, etc. I was doing what I was supposed to be doing. After Gee’s chapter, though, I am beginning to think that I was at a disadvantage when compared to those students who did run home and play video games.

            Gee mentions in this chapter of his book that if a student can cite Newton’s law, but not be able to actively demonstrate it, then that child has not been critically active in the learning process. What is an “active learner”, you ask? Gee defines it as “experiencing the world in new ways, forming new affiliations, and preparation for future learning”(24). Through video games, he proposes, students will be able to become active participants in their learning communities. This is not to say, however, that current instruction in schools is all lecture with no social interactive and active learning. He is simply saying that there are alternative methods to teaching in which students can reflect on past actions and situate them appropriately, learn patterns and combinations, and understand the importance of not resorting to ritualized methods of game play.

            I think that incorporating such a method of instruction not considered academic (like Math Blaster) into the curriculum will take a considerable amount of time, if it happens at all. Gee’s research, though, is very convincing and thoughtful, and I believe it’s only a matter of time before parents say “game on!” to this semiotic domain, both in the classroom and in the home.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Main PS1 Di Komputer

Oleh karena menginstal PS1 emulator tidak semudah menginstal software yang biasanya, yang hanya dengan mengeKlik NEXT-NEXT- …. – FINISH trus selesai, maka berbeda untuk ePSXe ini. Sebab ada tambahan setting BIOS untuk VIDEO, SOUND, CD Drive, dan setting PADS/Joystick. Maka dari itu, Disini akan saya jelaskan cara menginstall dan menyetting BIOS untuk ePSXe 1.60.

Sebelum melangkah ke langkah pertama Anda tentunya harus sudah punya file ePSXe 1.60 full dengan biosnya yang bisa diDownload disini — >> DOWNLOAD. Dan tentunya CD game PS1 dan kalau ada Game Pads atau JoyStick (Jika ada) kalau tdk ada Anda masih bisa menggunakan Keyboard untuk memainkan gamenya.
Langkah 1 : Setelah download silahkan mau ditaruh dimana yang penting dalam Disk Drive / hardisk. Contohnya saya taruh di My Documents namanya adalah

Langkah 2 : Karena file download tadi dalam bentuk ZIP file maka harus di Extrack dulu ke sebuah folder menggunakan software WINZIP / WINRAR / 7ZIP. Disini saya contohkan di Extrack di Drive D:\

Langkah 3 : Buka file ePSXe.exe yang Ikonnya gambar stick PS warna putih dengan cara Double KLIK. Maka akan muncul jendela seperti dibawah ini .

Langkah 4 : Setelah membuka ePSXe 1.60 maka selanjutnya klik menu CONFIG pilih WIZARD GUIDE.

Langkah 5 : Setelah langkah 4 dilakukan maka akan muncul jendela lagi

Langkah 6 : Pilih Config maka akan muncul

Langkah 7 : pilih NEXT, jika muncul jendela dibawah ini maka pilih OK saja, tapi kalau tidak muncul berarti menuju ke langkah selanjutnya.

Langkah 8 : Setting VIDEO dengan tampilan seperti dibawah ini

Langkah 9 : Setelah muncul jendela seperti diatas pilih Pete’s Soft Driver 1.54 dengan cara menggeser layar pilihan ke bawah. Lalu pilih CONFIG maka akan muncul

Langkah 10 : Dalam menyetting VIDEO yang harus diperhatikan adalah


- Fullscreen Mode = maksudnya jika ingin tampilan game penuh dengan layar monitor, silahkan sesuaikan resolusinya, disarankan sama dengan resolusi layar monitor yang sedang aktif.
- Window Mode = maksudnya jika anda menginginkan tampilan tidak penuh pada layar. Disini anda dapat mengatur sendiri mau seberapa lebar tampilan yang diinginkan.
- Color Depth = semakin tinggi nilai bit maka akan semakin jernih tampilan Gamenya. pilih saja 32 bit.
- Stretching = berfungsi untuk tampilan game yang kecil akan di maksimalkan sesuai dengan ukuran windownya.


- Use Fps Limit = jika opsi ini diberi tanda check list maka anda dapat mengatur kecepatan tampilan game yang sedang dimainkan. Untuk menyettingnya silahkan masukan angka pada FPS Limit antara 10 – 200. Semakin banyak angkanya maka akan semakin cepat. Namun saya sudah mencobanya dengan kecapatan standar adalah 70 FPS.


- Scanline Mode = pilih saja Disable lalu OK.

Langkah 11 : Setelah Menyetting Video dan klik OK lalu NEXT maka akan muncul jendela untuk menyetting SOUND / suaranya.
Langkah 12 : Pada jendela pilihan geser ke bawah terus pilih Pete’s DSound Audio Driver 1.15 dan klik CONFIG. maka akan muncul jendela seperti dibawah ini .

yang harus diperhatikan adalah :
  • GENERAL SETTING. Disini Anda dapat menyesuaikan kekerasan suara. Jika tidak terlalu berarti pilih saja Medium.
  • MISC . untuk opsi ini pilih 0 : Fast Mode supaya tidak ada gangguan dalam hal suara.

Langkah 13 : Setelah selesai menyetting Sound dan klik OK maka selanjutnya NEXT sehingga muncul jendela untuk menyetting CDRom.

Langkah 14 : Pada kotak untuk setting CDrom pilihlah ePSXe CDR WNT / W2K core 1.5.2 atau yang direkomendasikan dengan cara menggeser pada kotak pilihan. Selanjutnya klik NEXT sehingga muncul jendela untuk mengatur Game Pad / Joystick.

Langkah 15 : Pada layar seperti diatas silahkan Anda mengatur sendiri tombol-tombol untuk memainkan Game dengan Memilih Controller 1 dan Controller 2. Maka Akan muncul

Keterangan :

- Jika anda belum memasang Joystick / GamePad maka anda masih bisa menggunakan Keyboard untuk memainkan Gamenya. Silahkan anda boleh memasukan kombinasi tombol sesuai keinginan. - Kalau sudah klik OK dan NEXT lagi Langkah 16 : Selanjutnya muncul jendela yang memberitahukan bahwa setting BIOS sudah Selesai. Langkah terakhir, klik tombol DONE.

Nah Sekarang Anda sudah bisa memainkan Game PS1 dengan menggunakan ePSXe 1.60. Caranya : Masukkan CD game PS1 ke CDRom lalu pada menu File pilih RUN CDrom.

Contoh tampilan ketika saya memainkan Game PS1 ROAD RASH JAILBREAK.

Selamat mencoba ….. And Have Fun

Monday, October 12, 2009

Motor Storm Arctic Edge[Europa][Español][FULL]

Motors storm juego super adictivo de coches
Idioma: Español
Región: Europa
Formato: CSO comprimido para ocupar menos
Tamaño: 548 mb
Testeado con: 5.00 m33-6 e inferiores y con 5.50 gen b
El juego está desarrollado por BIgBIg que ya apoyó el lanzamiento de la anterior PSP con su juego PURSUIT FORCE, que funcionó muy bien en ventas. Esta vez la serie Motor Storm se desplaza a latitudes más árticas. En Motor Storm ARTIC EDGE, disfrutaremos resbalando por el hielo y saltando por la nieve, con los habituales vehículos de la serie y otros nuevos añadidos para la ocasión, como las motos de nieve o los quitanieves. ¿ A quien no se le ha pasado por la cabeza alguna vez, limpiar la carretera de domingueros en un camión de 6X6 armado con una cuchilla quitanieves? Si tenéis una PSP o pensáis comprarla, ya no tenéis excusa.


clave para descomprimir gelito37

Hola Buenas para gustos los colores, segun dicen ahora mismo la gente no se fia del gen porque no tiene tanta fama como el de nuestro gran maestro DARK osease el M33, pero os aseguro que todo lo que tenia metido antes a la psp , se me ha sido respetado y me funcionan todas las opciones anteriores, e incluso alguna más.

Me funcionan juegos de psx, no me ha cambiado nada y de momento os aseguro al 100% que todos los juegos parcheados tiran a la perfeccion con el 5.50 gen b, en otro comentario anterior teneís el enlace para subirlo a gen b pero os lo vuelvo a dejar aquí. firware gen a-b.rar

Para quien no se atreva y no lo haya hecho nunca, deciros que no es tan dificil como en un principio os puede parecer.



hay 4 carpetas.

1.-lugar ante todo y para evitar problemas.

apagar la psp totalmente, luego manteniendo apretado el boton de R y el de encendido os deberá aparecer un menu, ir hasta los plugins y si teneis alguno activado, proceder a desactivarlo. Finalmente volveis atras apretais en salir y se reiniciará la psp.

2.-Una vez hecho esto, y despues de haberos descargado los archivos, copiais de la primera carpeta la que pone custom firware 5.50 en la carpeta psp en la raiz de vuestra memory stick, si os pide sobreescribir hacerlo.

Muy importante la psp tiene que estar cargada con 80% de batería y nunca mientras hacemos el proceso tendreis que apagarla ni nada parecido.

Una vez copiada os vais a juegos y os debera aparecer Actualizacion de PSP ver. XXX, ejecutarlo y seguir las indicaciones. Repito no apagarla durante el proceso, podeis sufrir un semi-brick y la liaremos parda, pero ojo todo bien hecho no tiene porque surgir problemas.

3.-Una vez finalizado el proceso y que la psp se reinicie, tendreís una gran parte hecha, nos quedará repetir los mismos procesos con las demas carpetas, y segun las he puesto por orden.

-segunda carpeta, despues de copiarla os aparecerá en juegos GEN QUICK UPDATER

-tercera carpeta, os aparecerá en juegos PSPGEN 5.50GEN-B UPDATER

-cuarta carpeta, os parecerá en juegos PSPGEN 5.50GEN-B2 UPDATER.

Ejecutarlas por orden y de una en una.

Al final del todo comprobareis que teneis instalado el firware 5.50 gen b (full) que es el ultimo, y con este podreis jugar a todos los juegos parcheados que he subido.

Posteriormente bajaros este archivo que os adjunto es para que lo copieis en la carpeta de seplugins en el carpeta raiz de vuestra memory ,para que tengais el menu recovery en vuestra tecla select al igual que pasaba con la version M33 UltimateVSHMenuVRevisedCFPlusIn.rar

Quedará como al principio encender la psp con el gatillo R apretado para meternos en el apartado de plugins y activar el de vshmenu.prx, volveremos al principio y apretaremos en salir. Con esto teneis activado el menu recovery igual que con las versiones M33 para poner luego UMD ISO MODE en M33 Driver como aparece esto que os digo (apretando la tecla de select)

Espero que os sirva, ya me contareis.


Como lo prometido es deuda, seguiré subiendo juegos ya parcheados, si teneis alguna peticion o urgencia, enviarme un correo.

Agradecer no cuesta nada y anima, asi que animaros a darle al boton de gracias.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Win for life - Ieri record di vincite e condivisione del montepremio - Truffa?

Ieri 10 ottobre 2009 win for life ha lasciato vincenti ben otto concorrenti del concorso!
In ben tre concorsi sono stati assegnati i premi ventennali e in tutti e tre questi ultimi sono stati divisi tra più vincitori.
I concorsi fortunati sono stati quello delle 14, dove due vincitori si sono divisi il montepremi quindi spettano 2000 euro a testa per 20 anni, quello delle ore 19, che è stato il più discusso infatti hanno vinto 4 persone nella stessa estrazione e fortuna o sfortuna questi si portano 1000 euro a testa per 20 anni, e quello delle 20 con 2 vincitori e con 2000 euro a testa.

Insomma ieri giornate di vincite, ma fortunate? Persone parlano di truffa, come probabilmente potrebbe essere, ma il fatto che si divide il montepremio non è una cosa nuova. Anche con il superenalotto succede così. Oppure parlano di truffa per il fatto che è impossibile beccare i numeri, beh anche di questo non ne sarei molto sicura visto che in quasi 2 settimane dall’inizio del gioco hanno vinto molte persone.

A voi i commenti…


Saturday, October 10, 2009

Goings On

Yes, this does mean there was another house fire, a mere four Sim days after the first.  This started very early in the morning and burned for about six hours, with a crowd of neighbors standing around watching, before a fireman showed up to put it out.  I almost wish the house had burned completely down just to see if the teens would react to it, because they didn’t even seem to notice the house was on fire when they got home from school.

Michael has started working out in front of the TV every night.  He somehow manages to break the TV every time, but that is good since Emma has to fix it and that raises her handiness.  She’s up to 8 handiness and 7 logic now.

Hannah continues to talk to herself.  Looks like she wasn’t having a very pleasant conversation, either.  I think it was about music.

She is also the only of the teens who seems to have a hobby beyond watching TV or playing catch.  She worked on the painting for a little while but abandoned it to take a sponge bath in the sink.  I’m curious to see the finished painting.

Then there is this, Isabella and Ryan making out in their pajamas in the back yard.  I totally didn’t see that coming.

I also had Emma quit her job at the corporate towers, she was miserable, constantly stressed out and didn’t like the people she worked with.  Every day her job performance went down a little and she would come home with a big frown on her face and a red mood meter.  I let her take a couple days off but now it’s time for a new job.  Since she’s a natural cook I think I’ll try something in the culinary field.

Falcon Allied Force

OS: Windows 98/ME/2000/XP
Processor: 1.5 GHz
Memory: 384 MB
Hard Drive: 1.6 GB Free
Video Memory: 64 MB
Sound Card: DirectX Compatible
DirectX: 9.0b
Keyboard & Mouse
CD/DVD Rom Drive

Thursday, October 8, 2009

The Creeps! (Super Squawk Software)

Type: Cartoon

Application Description on iTunes (to 10/8/09): The Creeps! is an addictive “tower defense” style game with destructible terrain and beautiful cartoony graphics.

There are Creeps living in your closet! Defeat the things that go bump in the night with toy blasters, glue bottles, flashlights and boomerangs. Summon a giant spider to slow your enemies, or a UFO to sap their energy!

Cost: $0.99

Date release: 7 October 2009

Language: English


  • Compatible with iPhone and iPod Touch
  • Requires iPhone OS 2.1 or later

Personal Opinion:

This is my favorite game amongst other ‘tower defense’ iTunes games. It’s so much fun, the concept is pretty basic, you need to protect the little kid who is asleep in the bed from ‘monsters’ that come out of the closet door. To do so you can place as many protectors as you can including alien guns, glue guns, electric flashlights, powerful boomerangs, etc.

To buy and upgrade the protectors you need points which you can gain from killing the monsters and destroying items around where you place the protectors.

It’s fun to hear and see the protectors destroy the monsters thanks to the very interesting background sounds and graphics.

I do recommend this game. It’s super-addictive.

What’s cool:
To be able to use all the protectors mentioned above makes the game so cool already. What’s even better you can upgrade to make them much more powerful!

Don’t worry you can also choose the level of difficulty from Easy, Normal to Hard on each level.

What’s not cool:
The game can get very hard that makes it almost impossible to go level up, even if you choose the Easy option.

Kombi servisinde uzman kadro

Isıtma,  soğutma ve beyaz eşya sektöründe 10 yılı aşkın süredir siz değerli müşterilerine hizmet vermekten memmuniyet duyan firmamız Gürsoy Teknik 2010 yılının gelişmesi ile birlikte siz değerli müşterilerine daha çabuk ulaşabilmek için internet ağını genişletiyor. 2009 Ekim ayından itibaren başlayan yoğun internet tempomuza hız kesmeden ara vermeden devam etmekteyiz. Kısa bir süre sonra siz değerli müştirelirimize hizmet vermek için klima servis hizmetlerinde , kombi servis hizmetlerin de , baymak kombi servis hizmetlerin de ,  eca kombi servis hizmetlerin de , beko arçelik servisi hizmetlerin de , internet siteleri ile hizmetinizdeyiz. Aynı zamanda ana sitemiz olan adresindende bizlere ulaşabilirsiniz.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Win for Life - Estrazioni 6 ottobre

Estrazioni 6 ottobre

Buon giorno a tutti! E buona fortuna!

Estrazioni delle 8: 2 3 5 6 8 9 10 17 18 19 Numerone 8

Estrazioni delle 9: 2 4 6 7 10 12 14 15 16 17 Numerone10

Estrazioni delle 10:3 4 7 9 10 12 13 15 16 19 Numerone 17

Estrazioni delle 11: Non ancora disponibile

Estrazioni delle 12: Non ancora disponibile

Estrazioni delle 13: Non ancora disponibile

Estrazioni delle 14: Non ancora disponibile

Estrazioni delle 15: Non ancora disponibile

Estrazioni delle 16: Non ancora disponibile

Estrazioni delle 17: Non ancora disponibile

Estrazioni delle 18: Non ancora disponibile

Estrazioni delle 19: Non ancora disponibile

Estrazioni delle 20: Non ancora disponibile


Monday, October 5, 2009

Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Montages

In preparation for call of duty: modern warfare 2, I have found a couple of montages that are a must watch if you’re a fan of the game.  For those who don’t know what a montage is, it’s a collection of a player’s best skills with editing to make a great video.  Oh yeah there also available in HD, so check them out.

Here is the first one: Stevy: (great editing if I do say so myself)

Here is the second one: Smoky & Carbon DRFT (look out for minute 2 for an amazing play)

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Go plug yourself

What weekend is complete without a round of blogger backscratching?

I recall browsing FeministX’s blog months ago, but I didn’t find it interesting enough to keep on my RSS reader. Yesterday though, she dropped by and convinced me to take another look, and her writing is much, much better now. Here’s an excerpt from her recent post comparing and contrasting alphas and betas in fiction:

In real life too, I find that intelligent alpha males fall into those two types. The silent alpha male is in my opinion more attractive, but I believe that is just my taste. Obama presents himself like the Draper type of Alpha, while Dubya is in the Stark category. It seems that PUA advice steers men towards the extroverted type of alpha personality. Perhaps this is because those mannerisms are easier to learn.

Welcome to my almighty blogroll (and less mighty reader).

Cless Alvein reports on r/K sex selection and how it affects the sexual marketplace:

In general, however, both genders exhibit an r- and K-selective sex drive. The K-selective drives of men and women are quite similar, as both support the same reproductive goal: success of the family and children. Both genders’ K-drives exhibit delayed onset, emerging as two people develop a relationship. Moreover, while women exhibit slightly stronger K-drives than men, the gender disparity is slight. Finally, K-selective attraction is holistic, driven by attraction to the person as a whole, rather than to a set of attributes. By contrast, the r-drive is usually immediate in its onset, is traditionally much stronger in men than in women, and driven by superficial traits– in men, the woman’s physical appearance; in women, the man’s projection of social status and dominance.

The current world is ruled by women’s r-selective sex drive. Game is an adaptation to this reality.

Dave from Hawaii analyzes a conservative women’s group and identifies the problems with their ideology:

The most glaring point for me is the assumption these “enlightened” women advocate – while they oppose the liberal/libertine excesses of modern feminism, that they reject promiscuity as empowering, that they oppose the inculcation of victimology in women, that they encourage their members to revel in femininity and modesty (all of these are good things), they still accept the basic premise that is the foundation for promoting the feminist movement: that women are morally superior creatures to men, that men were oppressive, and that the initial feminist movement was just and necessary because women were in-equal and oppressed in the past.

The rot runs deep, even in supposedly “conservative” strains of thought.

Roissy attempts to discern whether fat or aging has a greater effect on womens’ looks:

We begin the experiment. There are 3500 calories in a pound of body fat, and 200 calories in a Krispy Kreme original glazed donut. Girl A goes on a donut bender and eats 1.05 Krispy Kreme donuts per week per year. 1.05 Krispy Kreme donuts per week doesn’t sound like much, does it ladies? Keep reading. She does not substitute smaller portions in her other meals or increased physical activity to counterbalance the extra calories from the donuts. At this rate of donut consumption, Girl A adds 5 pounds of unsightly fat to her frame every year. Keep in mind, too, that Girl A is aging as well as getting larger.

Obesity: the most misunderstood tragedy of our time.

Master Dogen tells us why David Letterman is a true alpha:

Notice the fine touches. He pokes a little fun at himself, but in just the right way. He makes fun of his midwestern Lutheran, guilt-based upbringing, which is exactly the sort of thing to remind people of when you are being portrayed as a sleazy New York womanizer. He jokes that no one could imagine that he had sex, but of course this is after he’s already established that he has… in fact so much sex that people are trying to blackmail him about it. He’s being charming and self-deprecating, but never once denying that, yes, he’s an alpha male that fucks his cute emloyees.

Potential philanderers ought to study this man.

Martin Regnen comments on a another head-smackingly obvious truth confirmed by science:

The Herald Sun writer thinks all this means that “women drink alcohol before having sex because they lack confidence in their bodies”. I guess that’s why the really hot women who have plenty of confidence and massive egos from dozens of men hitting on them every day never drink. If only uglier women had more confidence then they’d also stop drinking, just like the real hotties. Oh, wait… yeah, that’s obviously bullshit. Women drink before sex for pretty much the same reason most people drink in all kinds of situations – to lower their inhibitions and enjoy life more. Many women are just plain better in bed when they’re slightly drunk, and men might be too. That’s probably why many older married guys drink a glass of cognac or wine every evening.

Alcohol is the lubricant that greases the cogs of male-female relations.

Aoefe offers up her definition of the alpha male:

What alpha doesn’t describe is character*. Character and alphaness are separate entities. Character whether good, bad or indifferent will be present in alpha, beta and omega males. Alpha does not preclude having good character. Period. Some of you believe a good man and an alpha can’t be synonymous and I call bullcrap on that. I say alpha men are powerful, impressive and leaders yet can also be of good character. Men like this often have a strong moral code and a value system they aren’t willing to break emfor the P word. Sometimes it’s religious values that puts the breaks on P access and although they would enjoy the fruits of some 20 year old’s loins they won’t ‘pick it’ because of the sin involved. Others are simply honest; they took their commitments seriously and have honoured them. Perhaps some have been honest with their spouses and have had dalliances with their significant other’s understanding and full knowledge. (That’s a topic for another day)

Sheesh, there’s a lot of alpha talk in this plug post.

Roosh breaks game down into two qualities:

If you are interesting and cool then you’re a man who has a quality woman or fucks a lot of girls. If you’re only interesting than you’re the stereotypical shlub who lands a homely Peace Corp girl with that go-getter attitude (”Must get a graduate degree before we have Connor!”). If you’re only cool then you’ll get trashy skanks or club rats (not necessarily a bad thing).

The fundamentals of game, right there.

Alkibiades relates a disturbing tale of family dysfunction:

By the time George surpassed his father in size and muscle, he decided to go toe to toe with his father in a battle that would have make the UFC proud.  After that, George’s father never laid a hand on him again, but I can’t say the same for George’s sister.  At about this time George found alcohol and women and dove in head first.  As you might suspect, George was a mean drunk and could get quite violent in the depths of his own binge drinking.  Alcohol was to be George’s only friend and constant companion.  The women were drawn to George and the rage that always was just beneath the surface ready to erupt.

Reminds me of some folks I know.

Assanova asserts that the American Dream is responsible for the betatization of American men:

Why are they so masculine? Because they were not denied their rights of passage from boyhood into becoming a man. WHAT. IS. A. MAN? Testosterone. Survival. Fighting for physical superiority. The American dream suppresses all of this. No more wars. No more crazy stunts. And if little Billy gets as much as a single scratch on him or throws one single punch in defense of his masculinity, the entire household shuts down and anyone who may have been involved in placing little Billy in a position to express his masculinity is severely scolded and reprimanded.

Manhood is struggle. The two are inseparable.

Richard Hoste interviews John Derbyshire at his blog:

I myself don’t actually write much about race and HBD topics.  I am engaged (for a couple of years now!) in porting over all my web archives from the horrid old FrontPage format to something crisper and more manageable.  I have written VB (Visual Basic-computer science terminology-RH) routines to do the grunt work, but they don’t catch everything, and each piece needs to be hand-polished. So I am reading my way through my entire output since the 1990s.  Very little of it even touches on these topics.  Yes, I am a race-realist.  It’s not a big part of what I want to write about, though.

It’s a damn good read.

The Editrix takes down the clowns using Roman Polanski’s arrest to attack the supposed degeneracy of Old Europe:

Talking about feminism and back to the children’s beauty pageants: I wonder what those pimpettes mothers who groom their little daughters for such contests have to say about “women’s rights” and the “sexual liberation” of women. I remain adamant that no sane, red-blooded father wants his little girl to pose like that and that they would forbid it, had they only the balls. So I boldly claim that those female corruptors of their own children have very probably the upper hand in the family already, if they aren’t “single mothers” to begin with. But then, I may be wrong here. After all, I was born and bred in evil, sick, degenerate Old Europe and although OUR fathers may be like that, what do I know about the joys of the non-degenerate life of American families.

Both conservatives and liberals mythologize America as a land of puritanism and morality, the only difference being that the former celebrate it and the latter deplore it. They’re all wrong, wrong, wrong. America is the most morally degenerate nation in the world, far less moral than any nation of Europe. The country that spawned the sexual revolution and all of its aftereffects has no fucking right to declare itself moral. Thank you, Editrix, for putting these idiots in their place.

Agnostic posts on the amusing ways in which girls compete:

I’ve seen girls get nastily competitive face-to-face before — seeing who can flip their hair the hardest, or who can give the most pitying look at what the other is wearing. And I’ve seen girls both ratchet up their cuteness when they’re actively flirting with the same guy, or sense that they’re being watched by a large audience. But this time the guy wasn’t even there, just as the girl who the gym rats are trying to impress isn’t there judging their performance. It was the first time I’d seen a purely hypothetical cuteness contest — just to see who would win.

Always remember that the female of the species is as equally animalistic as the male.

Emach returns from hiatus to lambast Generation Y:

I can’t tell you how many of my peers are completely incapable of functioning in the real world because they are operating under a belief in rules that their parents invented, their teachers enforced, and their world ignores, breaks, and mocks at every turn because they are totally contrary to human nature.  How can we possibly be expected to fix the world’s problems left in the wake of our inept parents when we are probably even worse equipped to deal with them than they ever were?

As a GenYer myself, I can vouch for the truth of everything he says.

Robert Stacy McCain, the Hunter S. Thompson of conservative blogging, advises women on how to go about getting a husband:

Still, if it is a husband that a woman is seeking, rather than just another in an endless series of going-nowhere “relationships,” her negotiating posture in the marriage market is greatly enhanced if she avoids giving up the nookie – humping, screwing, fornicating, making the beast with two backs, call it what you will — until she can entrap her prey and drag him to the altar.

I can safely declare that McCain is a Social Conservative Who Gets It. For more goodness, check out his Takimag archive.

Finally, Tucker Max pens a response to the slag who wrote about getting shagged by him, and displays his alpha credentials:

I don’t have any beef with her description of me in bed. I would prefer the phrasing “dominant and aggressive,” but whatever; you call me a jackhammer, the difference is semantics. The thing that pissed me off is that she said she faked an orgasm to get me to stop. I mean — honey, really? Did you think I was paying the LEAST bit of attention to you or your “orgasm?” You know why I stopped? Because I came. That’s always when I stop. I couldn’t tell your orgasm from pixie dust, and neither would make me stop if I wasn’t done, that’s for sure.

Caring about whether the slut you picked up after an hour of banter and drinking has an orgasm = beta.

As a bonus, here’s a comment from that thread that is a must read:

Do you know how comical this is? Consider the incredible hypocrisy in all of this. Take note of the countless women (and severely jealous “men”) who berate Tucker Max for being Tucker Max, who slam him on the Internet, who say this and that about him… yet all and all, there is a never-ending supply of women who simply line up to sleep with him. Nowadays, not only does Tucker NOT have to even remotely “work” to court or pick these women up, he actually treats them like garbage and they STILL line up to sleep with him; Courtney’s story is solid evidence of this; yet another tale of a pattern that repeats itself over and over again in man/ women interactions. 
Blogger comment: “Guys like this are what make women dislike males in general.” 
Oh Please. If that were really true, if women truly felt that way, then guys like Tucker would never get laid at all, let alone have women come out of the woodwork (and get treated like sh*t) to sleep with him. Are you that naive? Do you really think the proverbial “nice guy” has women lined up like Tucker has? Really?
In reality, the blog bashing and negative comments display the feminine (beta) mind at work… Common wisdom dictates that guys that treat women like Tucker does are bad and would never enjoy the forbidden fruit of women given such an offensive and abrasive approach. Alas, the female creature is one not of logic but of emotion… Many of these exact same women who bash Tucker (or men like him), who agree that “Guys like this “are bad and should be avoided, are the exact same women who are lining up in droves to sleep with him/ them. Emotionally, women simply cannot avoid their attraction to this “Bad Boy” persona, regardless of the logic involved. No matter what your female logic says, women are attracted to that type of personality. The proof is in the pudding. 
Instead of downing Tucker for being himself, why not blame the fuel to this whole fire? Where is the outcry on the droves and droves of your peers who are agreeing with you and then jumping into bed with the “Tuckers” out there? Where are female huntresses searching for their “nice guy” to rip the cloths off of? 
Lets come back down to earth ladies…

You’ve gotta love it when reality shits all over morons and their lies.

Krall Quests

so gut wie alle erledigt, juchhu^^ Gestern Abend gab es eine Heroes Krallquest Gruppe, mein erster Gruppenabend seit Release War aber auch nötig, da Elitegegner. Ich musste zwar den Tank geben, weil kein Templer dabei war, was mich natürlich schön nervös macht , aber es war okay, Tote gabs hier und da, aber wenigstens keinen Wipe lol. Wir hatten ja auch keinen Vollheiler dabei, nur einen Kantor, dafür haben wir uns aber gut geschlagen und auch zwei named gelegt, die gute Items droppen. Kiwi hat Level 19 geschafft und ist nicht weit von 20, mal sehen, schaffe ich vielleicht heute.

Zwischendrin war ich mal kurz in TS, aber nur zwei von unserer Gruppe waren drin und das hat mich dann überfordert, quatschen, tippen, tanken *g* In der Hektik prompt falsch geklickt und aus dem TS geflogen, bin dann nicht mehr rein. Wäre aber für Gruppenabende angenehmer, vor allem weil ich zwar ungefähr weiß wie ich tanken muss und dass ich die Aggro von den Stoffis weghalten muss, aber ich brauch eigentlich Ansagen, wo es hingehen soll, wer gesleept und wer angegriffen wird etc. War schon alles okay so, hatte aber halt Verbesserungspotential^^

Hier noch ein Foddo von Kiwi in der Filmsequenz der Quest, in der man den Hauptmann zum Tor pullen muss: click mich.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

<i>Newlywed Game</i> goes gay

As reported by Queer Sighted:

Long-running TV Show “The Newlywed Game” will be hosting their first ever gay couple. Former Star Trek actor George Takei (Mr. Sulu) and his husband Brad Altman are set to appear on the show later this season in a celebrity special.

Takei and Altman have been together for over 20 years but only tied the knot last year, before Proposition 8 nullified gay marriage in California.

About taking part George Takei said: “What we want is to display the normality and the joy of having a happy union. To be included in something we never felt we’d be included in is very satisfying.”

How long do you think before the show goes poly? Maybe when if poly marriage ever gets approved?

While I’m thrilled for any small advancement the gay community achieves, I really believe poly acceptance is miles and miles behind. Le sigh.

Source: queersighted, photobucket

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Makes Me Wanna iPhong,

oh my lol hahhaha this makes me want a iPhong now.


they should make one for those “touch and shake the oobies” apps… hahah


either ways, i dont want to be caught playing this alone lol
