It’s true, I’m an old timer. Approaching 60 years old. That doesn’t mean I’m, Game, dead though. Not yet anyway. I’ve always enjoyed video games starting waaaay back with the original Atari 2600,, Game, and early Nintendo game systems such as the SNES. Well, some things never change. A good game back then is probably still a good game. Every year the systems get more advanced particularly the memory and graphics. Some of the new systems are almost too graphic intense for me. I don’t need to see every texture, every blade of grass, to have a good time. In 2006, Nintendo released the Wii system and my daughter got one, Game, for Christmas. The Wii was a unique system mostly due to its controller, a very sensitive remote control device, Game, . This device is very accurate and is a pleasure to use in many games. The game itself can use the Wiimote in a number of ways. It can be held in different directions such as pointing a flashlight, or sideways like a bicycle handle. There are several controls on the Wiimote including a directional pad, buttons, and a trigger type button under the Wiimote. The Wiimote makes this system unique and offers great interactive wireless control. Some other interesting features of the Wii, Game, are its, Game, ability to play older Nintendo games, such as GameCube games, as well as older Nintendo 64 games and even SNES games through the virtual channel. This is a big move in the right direction as far as I’m concerned, because it’s nice to not abandon the older games for newer models. The Wii also connects wired, or wireless to the internet, and to Nintendo. This allows for many other features on the system, Game, including browsing the Internet, and the download of “Wiiware” games. There are also channels on the Wii for photo applications, news, weather and more. To top off all of this, the Nintendo at its release, was, Game, one of the most inexpensive, Game, game systems of its day. It has become the most popular game system, Game, of all time.Many of the games for the Wii are centered around its controller. It comes with a sports game pack that features bowling, tennis and other games. In these games the Wiimote is used as one would use the bowling ball, or a tennis racquet. One must be a bit careful when doing this, not to throw the Wiimote through the TV screen. Nintendo addresses this by attaching a wrist strap to the Wiimote, and reminds players during the, Game, game to use the straps..Bowling is a particular all around favorite of many generations. Most people young or old enjoy this accurate representation of the real thing. There are a large amount of games available for the Wii. Many of them are sports oriented games, driving games; puzzle type games, and even shooter games.One of my favorite games for the Wii,, Game, is Resident Evil 4, a first person shooter. (Not bad for an old guy?). In this game the wiimote is used as a gun, rifle, or knife, while the nunchuck controller is used to walk around. I won’t go into RE’s game play at depth at this point because it is definitely deserving of its own review. The first time I saw the game, I thought it would not be my type of game. It features, Game, some very gross and violent scenes, although the, Game, artwork is exceptional. When you shoot a zombie like character in the head, or kick him in the head, it explodes in what sounds like a ripe melon exploding, Game, . But once you get over these gross, Game, things, the game is very engaging to say the least. The Wiimote makes using a rifle, gun or knife very realistic. Its rather amusing to see someone playing the game, sitting on a chair slashing away with the wiimote.RE4 also includes some clever and stylish puzzle like activity.All in all, I’d have to say it’s one of the best games I’ve ever played on any system, but the Wiimote really makes it much more enjoyable. It takes many many hours to complete this game, and it is a lot of fun. Strangely enough, this is also one of the most inexpensive games for the Wii. The soundtrack, beautiful animation and excellent game play make this a must, for the Wii player. I also enjoy a game called Smooth Moves which really makes use of the Wiiremote which is referred to as a “baton” in this game. In this game you are playing hundreds of micro games, trying to do simple things like opening a bottle, driving, hammering, Game, a nail, all in split seconds. Another big boost for the Wii is a game called Wii-Fit. This is a, Game, virtual exercise and fitness trainer that has become quite popular. This game gives the viewer a workout as he completes various strength and posture exercises. Wii-Fit if properly done will definitely improve your fitness, Game, level. I recommend the Wii to many people, young and old as a great addition to their home entertainment. Take it from an old man, its lots of fun, and Wii should all never underestimate the importance of fun.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
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