Saturday, January 30, 2010

Apex Alpha Behavior

Three apex alphas: Churchill, Roosevelt and Truman.

Two tales that may, or may not be true.

That Roosevelt knew that Pearl Harbor was going to be bombed and let it happen so America would be engaged in World War II and that Churchill knew that the city of Coventry was going to be bombed and let it happen so as to protect the fact that they had cracked the German’s code machine.

It does not matter whether these stories are true or not.

What matters is that there are people that do believe them, they believe these men were perfectly capable of letting horrible things happen for long term reasons and purposes. (I am not debating whether any of these choices were moral, the fact that they are all debatable means they are morally questionable no matter what).

One tale that is true: Truman ordered the use of nuclear weapons on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

This is why honesty, trustworthiness and similar attributes are “beta.”

An Apex Alpha can get away with anything and people believe they have.

The rules do not apply to them.

When we are discussing the difference between Alpha and Beta behaviors, we are talking about behaviors that excite women and those that categorize men as “unexciting” or seen as a “provider” or perhaps a willing victim of the woman’s vampire urges.

Can “alpha” men be good fathers, I do not preclude that, but simply being a father has the stink of beta.  Being a father is definitionally a beta behavior.  There is no way around it.  Being a good father is absolutely beta behavior.  Being a good father is something to be lauded in society (it is not).

The true artist will let his wife starve, his children go barefoot, his mother drudge for his living at seventy, sooner than work at anything but his art. -George Bernard Shaw.

Women are not attracted to good fathers, I can’t count the number of times I have heard a woman say to a man, “You’ll make a good father some day” but it is said by a woman that has absolutely no interest in the man romantically.

If you can not wrap your head around the fact that a lot of good, worthy and noble behaviors signal that you are a “Beta” to women then God help you, you’re a Renfield.

Women do not select the best man.

This is why civilization always crumbles with the sexual liberation of the women.  It always has in the past and its happening right now.


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